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Applicant Tracking System Data Security & Ownership

Applicant Tracking System Data Security & Ownership

We take very serious the applicant tracking system data security and ownership. And although iApplicants will be hosting and managing your applicant database, we do not claim ownership to the applicant data that you collect. We will never share, sell, rent, lease or improperly disclose your applicant data to anyone. If you decide at some point in time to stop using iApplicants, you can either print out your employment applications, or request a full export of all of your data into CSV ‒ Excel Spreadsheets. At that point, we will completely delete all of your information off of our live servers, and it will be removed from our backups from that point on.

Security Begins with Being Responsible

iApplicants, powered by ApplicantPro, believes that the most important part of data security is to ensure that we aren’t collecting and storing any unnecessary personal data. Based on the current laws being enacted in different states across the US, we do not allow our clients to collect SSN, Dates of Birth, or other highly valuable personal information that they generally won’t be using until the end of the hiring process when they perform a background check. Not only is it not prudent to be collecting and storing this information on every person who applies for a job, but it also tends to reduce your qualified applicants because they are concerned about employers who require the disclosure of their SSN/DOB just to express interest in a position. By restricting our clients from collecting valuable personal information, this dramatically reduces the value of the information being stored to the same level as what most job seekers have placed out in the public domain through resume uploads to job boards and social networking sites.

Data Transmission & Login Security

All areas of iApplicants that allow applicants to submit their personal information are hosted on SSL secure pages. All administration areas where our clients can access information are behind a login also hosted on an SSL secure page. We also provide restricted logins that will allow you to provide limited access to your hiring mangers without granting them unrestricted rights to view all of your applicants and reporting.

Data Center Security – Top priority of applicant tracking system data security

The iApplicants system is hosted in a secure datacenter with video surveillance (recorded and archived), 24 hour on-site security staff presence and security badge scanners outside every door for building security. The hosting facility has been engineered to avoid any single point of failure in power or connectivity, which includes redundant power systems and a redundant multi-carrier network. The facility security systems undergo rigorous security checks periodically. All personnel must pass both biometric palm scanners and produce valid pass cards to gain access. We take Applicant Tracking System Data Security very seriously to keep you and your applicant data safe and secure.

Database, Resumes, & System Backup

The iApplicants system has an automated backup process to ensure that we always have a copy of your data and files available in case of a disaster or other unforeseen event. This backup includes a daily backup of our entire system and database onto a production ready set of servers. We also have automated daily backups that is stored off-site in 3 separate data centers in different locations in the United States.

System Monitoring

iApplicants uses 3 different providers who are constantly monitoring our system 24/7 to ensure that we are notified within a moments notice of a potential problem with the hosting and availability of our software. Although 100% up time is virtually impossible, we strive to only restrict your access to the system during routine maintenance that will take place after business hours.