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Small and Mid Sized Applicant Tracking System Specialists

We Sell a Solution, NOT SOFTWARE!

Our applicant tracking system specialists and software helps you control and maintain your applicant flow. It seems like when it comes to software, most providers think their software can work for every company. We have found that that is simply not true. Trying to sell the same Applicant Tracking Software package to large and small employers leads to either the large employers feeling like there aren’t enough features, or the smaller employers feeling overwhelmed with the setup and use of the system because it is simply overkill for what they are needing. We focus on making a great SMB Applicant Tracking System that fits the needs of Small and Medium Businesses.

Over 1500 Companies Trust iApplicants!

Nation Wide Applicant Tracking

We are constantly asked for a list of the large national companies that use our system. Since we target small and mid-sized businesses, you are most likely to only recognize the names of companies that are in your same state or industry. That said, iApplicants didn’t just spring up yesterday! We’ve been helping employers better manage their hiring process for over 6 years now, with over 1500 clients across the United States!

Our Applicant Tracking Reviews