The Ins and Outs of Affirmative Action Plan Tracking

If you’re an HR professional, affirmative action plan tracking likely rules your universe. And why shouldn’t it? One misstep can cost both you and your company a boatload of money. Instead of fearing your affirmative action plan though, you should welcome the opportunity to create an affirmative action plan that appeals best to your organization. All you need is a basic understanding of how an affirmative action plan works and how to create a tracking plan that monitors your hiring process from start to finish. If you’re an HR professional, affirmative action plan tracking likely rules your universe. What is an affirmative action plan? In a nutshell, an affirmative action plan is a company plan designed to ensure outreach to protected classes and also to provide equal employment opportunities to these groups. These efforts are monitored and mandated by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP). Currently, the four protected classes are females, minorities, veterans, and individuals with disabilities. Who needs an affirmative action plan? This list isn’t exhaustive, but it should help you get your affirmative action plan feet wet to determine whether or not your company qualifies for tracking: 1st Tier Government contractors with $50,000 or more in federal government contracts or 50 or more employees at one location. 2nd Tier Government contractors (supplies to a 1st tier contractor) with $50,000 or more in contracts of 50 or more employees at one location Working on many city and state contracts Growing businesses desiring city, state, federal contracts What should an affirmative action plan track? As mentioned earlier, an effective affirmative action plan tracks the hiring process from post all the way through hire. Here are a few affirmative action hiring plan. . .